Artificial voices are part of our daily life
Updated: Jul 29, 2021
From the phone, car GPS, intelligent home devices, and more, #artificialvoices are part of our daily life. Those voices are even part of our popular culture, almost family members!
I use many #TTS for my work; it is a great way to produce proof of concepts and prototypes. I tried several services, one of my favorites for a while was #Poly from #Amazon. But if high quality, this service lacked diversity, and dealing with Amazon is not like dealing with a smaller company.
I came upon a year or so ago to I liked their selection from the start, they are more natural, and you know who is the actor behind the voice. You also have the chance to chat with Tom, one of the founders, on their Discord channel, who cares about what you need and listens to suggestions.
I know that this post sounds like a big promo, but it is not. It is just challenging to find a TTS service with a simple business solution and many good voices, plus excellent service. That is!
Now, TTS voices are not perfect and, even sounding natural, lack emotional timing. But like at, you can clone your voice or one of your actor's voices, which is handy while editing to change some dialog or make them cleaner. They are also very clear about what is permitted or not.
I know that for actors, TTS can represent a potential unfair competition. Personally, I don't think so. There is no substitute for outstanding performance, then because many people often using TTS don't have the time or budget to deal with recording sessions.
However, it is evolving, and the real danger may be A.I. or artificial intelligence. But this will be at first for full-on synthetic actors with personalities. Is it in store for the near future? The answer is yes!
In the meantime, visit my buddy Tom (which I never met in person) at!